Codarica : Seriously Fun Coding Games . View founders and team members on AngelList.


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Using the power of gameplay and storytelling, we introduce children to programming through a project-based curriculum. Codarica is an up and coming startup keeping creativity in children in mind when it comes to their products. Codarica’s Coda Game app allows aspiring child designers to create simple games on Codarica creates seriously fun coding games catered to kids as young as six years old. Codarica is a platform that emphases on teaching kids how to code through storytelling and gameplay. It has recently introduced an iPad app CodeQuest that get kids addicted on coding. With this app, children can make, innovate, and design their first website using basic CSS and HTML.

Vi har roligt på jobbet.

We want to take this opportunity to really thank everyone that has been involved in our Codarica journey. You guys have been such an inspiration to us, and we couldn't have done this without you. It’s an end …

Thomas Ohr-February 1, 2016. 1.

Codarica startades 2014 med målet att lära barn om grunderna inom programmering. Sedan starten har Codarica hunnit med en flytt till USA, tagit in Disney som delägare, släppt en app, vunnit en del priser, och fått över 350 000 användare.


Sanna Nilsson, Rosalyn Knapp och Lovisa Levin driver Codarica och insåg att det fanns många föräldrar som ville att deras barn skulle lära sig mer om teknik och programmering. Our goal is to investigate and identify target groups in order to best create strategies for those target groups. Also to focus on internationalization through | Vinnova Codarica fick tidigt uppmärksamhet, till och med innan bolaget fanns som bolag. Sanna Nilsson och Lovisa Levin, som vi möter i Startuppodden 25, gjorde tillsammans med techstrategen Rosalyn Knapp en barnboksapp som studentprojekt på Hyper Island och fick världspressens uppmärksamhet direkt. … Väl hemma i Sverige igen antogs Codarica till sitt tredje acceleratorprogram, i Bonniers regi, och i slutet av oktober släpptes en gratisversion av spelappen i Appstore. I december kunde de tre grundarna presentera en stabilare och mer utvecklad version som kostade 19 kronor att ladda ned. Lovisa Levin och Sanna Nilsson är två av grundarna av Codarica.


Det har öppnat upp nya möjligheter för utvecklare. Men konkurrensen är tuff och som konsument är det svårt att hitta rätt. 7 Dec 2015 Fueling on their passion for kids to become computer science literate in a technologically driven world, Coda Game is an extension of Codarica's  Coda Game is the kids' own game engine. In Coda Game you can be the boss of your own awesome games.
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Drag and drop the visual coding blocks to create games such as Air Hockey, Flappy Bird and Platform games and share them with the world! Your imagination is the only limit! Saved from Find Cash Advance, Debt Consolidation and more at

Vi har en produkt ute på marknaden nu, en e-bok om Kalle Kodare och hmtl.
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Codarica introduces kids to computer science by utilizing game play and storytelling. With two apps on the market, and 380 000 downloads, Codarica is showing that the market is in need of products that are fun, educational and are breaking gender barriers. Programming is the 21st century form of literacy, and Codarica wants to make sure that.

Codarica is an up and coming startup keeping creativity in children in mind when it comes to their products. Codarica’s Coda Game app allows aspiring child designers to create simple games on Codarica creates seriously fun coding games for kids.